Friday, May 28, 2010

Helen is hooking up her PS3 in anticipation of her new 50" HDTV

It's not going well....

I'm actually pretty good at this. But the new Denon receiver's book sux. And it has an antenna which will detect your speaker's locations and set the sound accordingly, which is again awesome.

But apparently my Rear Surround is blown out. So instead of just saying, we have set your speakers that we detected, it says, error and cancels.. I have to work on this....

The 50" Panasonic G25 comes on Tuesday. That will make this all cool

Cat enjoys new spaces. she couldn't get back there before.

So why did I get a PS3 instead of a basic blu-ray? It has so much more capabilities, game being the obvious one. I have 14 days to decide if I want to return it and just go straight blu ray. But until I get the receiver configured, I don't think I can properly understand the calabrinics. I made that word up.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

if i had you

Adam Lambert - If I Had You .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine