Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Have Hever Mowed a Lawn in my Life

Until today. Well, I have such little grass I can't justify paying someone $20 a month to mow it. I could, but I figure it is like washing your car (I did that today too) - get outside, get some sun, get some exercise.

I bought a Grasshog from Black & Decker. Got pretty lousy reviews on Amazon, but I figured you get what you pay for. $50 out the door from homedepot. Worked great, takes more effort then I realized. My forearm is going to be sore tomorrow.

So here is the ethical question. I don't talk to my neighbors, they don't talk to me. We share the same grass, like 3x10 total. I of course cut there grass, but should I? What if they get mad because I did a bad job? I left grass on there driveway. But it would look worse if I only cut have the grass swatch? what do you think I should do?

I'm going to post a pic of the grass so you see what I am talking about. Meanwhile, here is my grasshog.


The Pants Down Explainer said...

if you mow theei lawn, you have to blow the grass. common sense

brakewater said...

I'm going to sneak out tonight and broom their side of the driveway. It wasn't intentional, but a very strange experience that I suck at something that I have never done before, but how could I not cut there side of the lawn?