Friday, June 27, 2008

Ground Zero

This moment (9/11/01) in my life hit me hard. It hit me like the last ten years of my life at that moment had been a waste of time, a failure. It hit me because they did it and it actually worked. It just hit me and has strongly affected the last 7 years of my life in a not so positive manner. This really hit me and I finally got to stand there and look at the hole. That was enough. I didn't seek out the viewing platform that exists. It is just a hole but it represents so much more. It's just a construction site, but it means so much more to me that you will never really understand, because I personally don't understand why either.


Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty easy to understand: it's show just how far evil will go in its battle verus good.

And we are forgetting. As soon as Barry is elected, we'll issue a worldwide apology for building the buildings in the first place.

brakewater said...

good point. Barry will be the new Jimmy of this country. 4 years of apology and attrition. Acquiescence and appeasement. Handshakes with terrorists. Tigers don't change their stripes, buddy.