Friday, February 22, 2008

Toe Update

Well, it is getting better but looking worse. I played last Tuesday and have a game this Sunday. It's not the typical black toe because the nail is soft and full of fluid as opposed to just getting hard (that's what she said). So that means what, I don't know. Just hope I don't ruin any socks if it bursts. But I remember the post-SuperBowl House where the symptoms were all these things but it was really just a broken toe untreated. Huh. It's not broken just unusual, and I have been dealing with these kind of soccer injuries for 20 years. Stay tuned. It's like a blister - you know you shouldn't pop it, but...I know, gross. ew. ew. bye.


Anonymous said...

really, really, really gross. feel free to end this storyline at anytime

brakewater said...

thank you, thank you very much. Consider it ended, brother