Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tuesday Night: Dara Torres

I saw the 5 mintutes on PTI today about the "presumption" that Dara Torres is somehow doping even thought she gets blood and urine tests several times a week. I like Christine Brennan she always seems level headed and prepared.

Here is The Big Lead's take and comments on it. Remember, it is a comment blog. They like to poke fun but I think all comments have to be approved.

She's 41. She trains her butt off. She volunteered for the US Doping Program to prove she's clean.

Barry Bonds never pissed in a cup when asked until it was mandated.

I haven't read the story completely but Jesse Jackson made some negative comments about Obama and it was caught on an open mike (oh, and it included a thing about race, something about how Obama is talking down to black people). Expect it to be #1 news tomorrow.

This is going to be good! (Said "want to cut his nuts off"???????) history statement:

In 1984, he called New York City “Hymietown,” referring to the city’s large Jewish population. He later acknowledged it was wrong to use the term, but said he did so in private to a reporter.

Gosh, want to end on a good note. Today I heard the same song on the way into work and the way home (one was on XM, the other on my DJ Ditty). Guess that's good karma for the crap I have had to deal with for the last week. Enjoy!

Starlight - Muse

Watching: 13 Going on 30 (I love Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo)

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