Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday Night

more cat pictures

So LA had an earthquake. The news is making it a big deal. It was funny because my boss and another colleague were in my office and CNN is on. They looked at the television and the news was literally scanning the shelves of a store.....and nothing had fallen off. Slow newsday.

Have you watched Dr Horrible sing-along blog below? Why not?

I usually don't blog on pop culture that is on every blog, cuz everyone else does it. But the Shia Lebeauf (who?) DUI arrest after he got rammed by another car is interesting. All the gossip press reported that he was arrested for DUI. (yes, you should never drive while drunk). But than the cops reported that the guy who hit him and overturned his truck ran a red light. (reports said Shia was showing signs of intoxication and therefore arrested. Think - if you just got hit and your truck turned over, wouldn't your brain show some signs of disorientation = intoxication?)

I'm not a lawyer........but this will never see a courtroom.

This is a perfect example of don't ever drive if you have been drinking. You may be the perfect drunk/sober driver in the world. But someone else is worse, and they sideswipe you. Guess what? You still get arrested for DUI.

lesson learned.

Have you seen the headline of Extreme Makeover people being in foreclosure? Here is an analysis.

I don't know what to say about the market. It sucks. Are we looking for a pre-1929 recovery? I doubt it. The people who bought homes they couldn't afford are getting bailed out. But the lenders and politicians (senate and house) are responsible.

And we, the responsible ones, are going to pay. Fuck the government bailout.

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