Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wayman: This one is for you

I get that you don't get Arcade Fire.So try this song:

Mr Brightside - The Killers

Classic? No?

I am a sucker for advertising. Just got Jack in The Box Sirloin Burger.

Watching: Billy Elliot


The Pants Down Explainer said...

Thanks for the callout, Helen

I love the Killers, esp their second album.

I know not of Billy Elliot, but will soon be using the 'watch it now' option in my netflix queue for something: either King of California or the War Within.

I loved the 'In Plain Sight' movie, I was speaking of the TV show on USA Network. My favorite Clooney movie is Syriana and/or Michael Clayton.

brakewater said...

how can you know not of Billy Elliot? Really?

I liked Michael Clayton. Whatshername that won the Oscar was awesome.

Karen Sisco was the In Plain Sight spinoff that should have been hailed. But it was lost on deaf viewers.