Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Kradam Final: American Idol Final 2

Adam Lambert: Mad World. I thought there was a twist, so maybe the twist is no shouting. And wearing a goth looking trenchcoat....hope he doesn't inspire any future Colombiners. I can't help it but I thought of that when I see this goth kid singing those lyrics. Those lyrics are haunting. Subdued, great. Paula is better than Kara.....awesome all together. Adam can get away with saying, "we're playing dressup!" Cute...

Kris Allen: Ain't No Sunshine: I heard that today on youtube so I'm ready for it.it's good. not great....certainly not going to win the first round. I think at this point fans have made up their mind? It's one or the other. And the ones who love both...they will pick Adam because he deserves it.

Adam Lambert: Change is Going to Come. Don't know this one...maybe a little bluesy on purpose. Just to point out how versatile he is and Adam is nailin' it. Very restrained and non-shreaky (so far), this guy could do Elvis for gosh sakes....ok now the high end to prove his range. I don't think he is going to win any new ones over, but the sure ones are still with ya, Adam. And, there is the high finale note.

Kris: What's goin' On. Is this motown part two? Did they not do it this year? Anyone who getst the guy on the box gets a good set. The whole war is not the answer scream is not the way to make a point when you are singing Motown Reggae style. He's good, he got to this point, he is not going to win. (Simon just made my point: it was like three guys sitting around a dorm room. nuf said. nothing more)

Final Song: No Boundaries. Adam sang it. sang it. Can hear that on the radio. Wow, Randy bringing out the pitchty for the last song? Adam is so freaking humble. Simon will love it I predict. Kris: really, just average. Don't even hear the tune. Shows how outclassed he is by Adam. Not a slam on Kris, but Adam deserves this and I think even Kris sympathizers would agree. good night, Kris.

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