Tuesday, October 28, 2008

If you Vote for Obama you are a Moron: My own take

"With luck, this monolithic, single-party government will crush the alternative media via a revived fairness doctrine, re-invigorate unions by getting rid of secret votes, and just maybe be beholden to people like you in the traditional media for getting it there." here

A quote from a great article I hope you will all read (I only linked the last page)

Why Obama will set this country back 30 years:

Give leverage back to the Unions. Take away the secret votes and that means Union thugs can knock on your door. Why worry about unions? Did you notice Congress today talking about giving Chrysler and GM another 10B dollars? Union. Thugs. and Mobs all over again

Why worry about the fairness doctrine? It's demanding that talk radio give equal time. We all know that talk radio is run by conservatives and tv is run by liberal. You don't see the GOP passing a fairness doctrine for tv, do you?

Radio will cancel all the talkshows you like to listen to, because no one listens to liberal talk radio. Except for NPR which is non profit so who cares.

You rights are going out the window. Thugs will be influencing and controlling us people.

Get educated.

Oh what? You can't because the MSM is running the news?

If you don't know what MSM is please get off my blog.

If the fairness doctrine passes, I may be required to cancel my blog under penalty of arrest.

Does that sound fair to you? 1984, much? Censorship, much?

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