Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Idol Final 5: Houston Edition Brat Pack Night: Feeling Good Muse

Wow we got so much rain in the last 24 hours. I left work yesterday at 430 because the red cells were coming, and Houston is known for two things: Hot Humidity and Flash Floods.

It rained almost all night long - The house literally rattled with the lightning and thunder. I looked out the window a couple of times to make sure the street was ok, but they don't call it the "Heights" for nothing.

West Houston (Katy, Cypress, I10-Beltway 8) got hammered hard, about a foot of water overnight. There is only one confirmed death - I don't understand the desire to drive to work at 6 in the morning when the news is saying stay home! I checked the tv, the internet and got to work ok around 0730 - it was a typical Houston drive in driving rain and stupid drivers. I say one guy drive right into another - he wasn't even looking. And why be on you cell phone, on your left ear reducing even more visibility? And no lights? Yes drivers are stupid stupid stupid, but they affect my life because I have to avoid them and get stuck in traffic because of them.

And the spoilers for tonight's AI, from mjblog:

Kris Allen - “The Way You Look Tonight” - Jamie said “I want to make an album with you now” a little disappointing, definitely overhyped by judges, I like my krissy.....
Allison Iraheta - “Someone to Watch Over Me” she's got chops. won't win, will succeed...
Matt Giraud - “My Funny Valentine” - Jamie suggested changes - Matt doesn’t play piano I don't care he is vote for the worst pic this week for a reason....

EDIT: They don't want Allison anywhere near the finals. Why tell Matt he was great? And tell her that she doesn't want to be in the finals? Look at the tween demographics - chicks sell, Demi, Seleni, Myley. I don't even know who they are but they sell. Allison is hispanic. Maybe they want to save her for a Daugherty like success, since we all know winning USUALLY gets you no where unless you are Kelly, Carrie or David? I don't get it

Danny Gokey - “Come Rain Come Shine” - Jamie suggested changes don't care TCO will lose.
Adam Lambert - “Feeling Good” (the muse version) -Jamie liked Adam I love Muse....lets see if he goes megaphone....

I love Muse, don't know this version (or song?):

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