Friday, November 7, 2008

It Ain't Trickin' If You Got It

This is how I think the government feels. Or the auto industry. They gonna get it no matter what. And the Govment gonna give. It ain't trickin' if you got it (google that if you don't know what it means) is a perfect example of what it is like.

The Auto Industry knows the USG won't and can't let it fail. Why? Jobs, unions, and Detroit collapses (remember the Detroit mayor? He was on CNBC this morning talking about the blight of his town. They forgot to congratulate him on his recent jail release). GM has billions invested in floats...aka loans...GMAC. They know the USG won't let them fail just like the banks.

Perfect Example of Redistribution of Wealth: Ford/GM/Chrysler burnt $14.6B last quarter just to stay afloat. This quarter they owe the Unions, that they negotiated last year to take over the Pension fund of the Workers, a fee. They owe them a few Billion (the negotiation was for $61B so let's say $10B). So the Union can pay their Pensioners, aka retired Union workers who sit at home at 70 and expect their $150,000 a year.

The USG gives our (taxpayers) money to Auto, who passes on to Union, who pays Pensioner, aka rich old corrupt guy watching tv in Detroit and laughing to the bank.

How's that for a pants down explanation? SMACK

oh as a final homage to pantsdown, compare above photo, which is of CEOs begging for money, smiling, to this photo, which is of CEOs of oil trying to explain why they make so much money.

Whatever You Like - T.I.

A Milli - Lil Wayne

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