Monday, December 29, 2008

Lone Star Comics and Science Fiction

I was just thinking about one of the first jobs I had. Not counting the vets. I was just a kid who liked comic books and I asked for a job. I think I was 17, because I was still in high school. I had been shopping there for 5 years.

I worked there a couple of summers (in between the Vet Clinic) and had a great time. We played Warren Zevon on LPs and sold Dungeons and Dragons dice.

I was just a kid and they hired me. Guess I was lucky. I remember taking a test in the back room - I think it was a personality test or make sure you are not a thief test. Why did they hire me? I wasn't the only geek who shopped at the store. But they did and it was fun. I wonder how the guy from Chicago made out. He told me on my lunch hour - take an hour for lunch and don't count the time it takes you to get there or back. I thought that was cool.

I just read every book in the store and sold comic books. When people payed with credit card we had to call the company and make sure it was ok. How much have things changed?

The first Michael Keaton Batman movie came out and I made a killing on some of the Frank Miller comics I had. Also I had first dibs on the Watchmen comics, which I still have.

I think 20 years later it is time to profit from those, no?

I remember eating lunch at Dickey's next store. The store was at the end of Valley View Park at Forest, by the medical center. I Think I rode my bike to work. Here it is now:

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