Tuesday, February 26, 2008

American Idol tonight

So I'm driving home today, and my XM47 Ethel plays the Sonic Youth "Superstar" cover. And it rocked.

So I'm watching idol tonight, and the gay kid Danny Noriega sang it (he's gay get used to it). And it didn't rock. But Simon gave him props so see him in the top 12, riding the Sanjaya under 15 kiddie votes.

how it should sound:

And cuz you asked, the original (I love this imeem!):


Anonymous said...

I watched 30 mins of Idol last night for the very first time.

That kid is not only gay, but distractingly gay. Or may it's just his hair that's distracting.

Very unimpressed with the 3 guys I saw sing-- the rock song; the Quenn song (no one but Freddie M can pull of a song that uses Marie Antoinette in it), and the gay kid.

brakewater said...

more like in-your-face gay. but they like it for some reason. The Queen song guy is one of the chosen one this season. "killer queen"