Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Girls American idol

I'll post if I feel like it, but the boys were underwhelming and the girls all look alike. There are like 5 blonds or something. I saw Fantastic Four silver Surfer today, and all I could think was Jessica Alba was so much more interesting when she wasn't blonde. there are to many blondes, that's all I got.this is my cat, and she say's what are you looking at, bitch? but the lolcats are funnier:

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Anonymous said...

well, we watched AI tonight and think the girls are collectively much better than the boys.

the boys are all so soft and belong in the mickey mouse club or broadway or something. boo, boys.

we thought amanda (embarrasingly) bad, kady, and asia h were the worst.

i say amanda and asia go home. kady is saved because she's...blond...and the boys at home want to watch her some more.

so i think all the black chics are the same. the whole gospelly, soulful, black thing is just saturated. it's hard to tell one voice from the other.

brakewater said...

I like Amanda. She needs to pretty her self up a bit and loose the goth. Any blonde will get through, too. we'll find out tonight!