Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Austin City Limits Music Festival schedule is out!

It got released today. I'm not so excited about this year as last year, but last year was my first so I am over it. I already decided I like Sunday the best (we were going Saturday) so instead we will get Sunday tickets and head back to Houston on Monday. Here is the link to Sunday, and you can get to the rest of the lineup from there.

Will miss Vampire Weekend and MGMT, they are my favorite new bands of the year but there will be other opportunities.

definitely see (jumping between stages): Okervil River, Recontours, Foo Fighters, Against Me!, Silverspun Pickups, Band of Horses, some Gnarls Barkley, and anyone else I can squeeze in between breaks. Hope the weather is good, it was great last year!

I remember last year running from Arcade Fire to catch some Muse, I am glad I got to see both, before hopping into the cab line!


Anonymous said...

I'm definitely in the minority here, but I don't like Vampire Weekend. Quite frankly, I can't understand what the big deal is.

brakewater said...

I first thought they reminded me of Paul Simon's Graceland days, which was meh. Then it caught me. I saw them on SNL and they just seemed happy to play music, dancing along to their own beat. That sold me. And the song M79, which isn't a hit yet.

But I understand your opinion, it is easy to not "get" what everyone is raving about. Sometimes too much hype is a bad thing.

MGMT rocks fo' sho'.