Monday, June 30, 2008

Yes, in Fact it Can get Worse

Wow what a day. Driving home, I thought about blogging about my annoyance at the new Hilton hires (my office is connected to a hotel, and i walk through the lobby at least 2-3 times a day to get to other office buildings or say, lunch). Rather than the long post I was going to make about the lack of common courtesy today, and people aren't raised right anymore because I got a door slammed in my face by yes, a Hilton service provider. You could tell he has never held a door open in his life. He walked with what you would call swagger and attitude. He won't last a week there.

But I am over that (it was going to be a good post about the lack of common decency in how certain people are raised today and me-first society). People aren't taught manners. But then on the drive home when I am actually at peace and only going 60-65 in the right lane, I look in my rear view and there was this 18wheeler zooming in. Remember the truck chase in Terminator 3 (or 2). it looked like that.

So I was just happy to get home. Safe. To the mail I go....

IRS letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! My accountant did my 2006 taxes wrong and under reported my income by basically all my mutual fund interest and dividends investments, which adds up.

Yes, a day can get worse. Be careful for what you wish for (like saying, can it get any worse?). Needless to say I am chewing out the accountant tomorrow and don't plan on ever using him again and wonder how I can officially report his incompetency. He didn't report a colleague's sale of a house during his move so his letter from the IRS had a number that looked like $437,000 under reported. Mine wasn't as bad but it was four figures bad.

I better stop now. Is it slander to call out a guy's business by name and scream never go there? Is that illegal? Can't wait for the conversation I am going to have with him tomorrow.

OK, I think I am leaving this post now mostly composed. I will have a nice conversation with the IRS tomorrow and make nice, with only a $85 penalty and no interest. I'm not even going to bother with the accountant to try to get that back, since I paid him $295 to do such a screw up job. If he doesn't offer me any refund, however, I will go to the BBB.


Pei said...

Common courtesy...decency...Aren't you the person with the long rant on Pastor (a Pastor!) knocking on your door to widh you well?

brakewater said...

Yes I was. And it was a rant about people trying to infringe their beliefs on others. I'm not being a hypocrite, opening the door for someone is the same as waving to the pastor and saying thanks, but no thanks.

In this day and age it is really inappropriate for strangers to knock on your door. They are either selling (or preaching) something or plan to steal something. I don't answer the door to strangers unless I know they are a neighbor, and I know my neighbors. That's just common security sense. That prevents home invasions.

Why is ringing my door at 1030am on a Saturday appropriate for anyone? Does a Pastor get a free pass? I wasn't rude to him.

Anyone on my side out there?

brakewater said...

One more point - In my last neighborhood every other Saturday or so the Jehovah's Witnesses would descend on my block. They would go door to door and I would see no one answer and I know they were home.

Really, am I being rude by ignoring others who want to postulate on my property on my time? What if it was an Imam? Or a cult? Really? They are all decent people with their own beliefs and if I met them in a bar (!) or something I would have a conversation. Just not on my front porch.

And yes, when my neighbor's kid wants me to buy a 10 dollar candle for her drill team, I buy two.