Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Night Post

First day back at work, and I got hit with a random alcohol and drug test. Yay me. I was like, what do you think I was doing on vacation? Seriously, it was random in that everyone on my floor got hit.

So I go, and blow in the breathalyser. Which honestly is called the Intoxicator. That was the brand name. Shouldn't it be called the Soberator? I mean, they want people to pass, right? Doesn't Intoxicator imply they want people to fail? Do the cops want you to fail or just hope you are a bad driver who weaves in and out of lanes? Anyway, I like my name better because it confirms you are sober, as opposed to intoxicated. At 3 in the afternoon at work.

Another embarrassing moment at work. There was this shrieking high shrill sound in the hall this afternoon, and I asked my two office mates (we all have separate offices but walls are thin) what the hell is that noise? Should we call someone?

Oops, it was my boss. He has one of those contraptions that monitors his irregular heartbeats and he sends it in via phone (think about the old fashion modem sound). I was so embarrassed when he stuck his head out and said that was him. Sorry. (but next time, shut the door dude. A dog would have howled at that sound.) To the haters: I'm not making fun of irregular heartbeats. I have one. Just the sound.

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