Thursday, June 19, 2008

Housing crisis: Other shoe dropping and what led to this BS to start with

Two good stories:

You could get a 800,000 dollar house with a gas an macy's card.

Start to finish: How this crisis happened (courtesy 3 part series from Washington Post, very good, thanks for TBL for finding it.)


Did you know that if you worked for McDonalds and made $35,000 a year, you could qualify for a $500,000 home as a sub-prime?

I think the lenders are criminals, and I think the borrower's are stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Thanks for f'in up the economy. Why would you sign those papers? dumb asses....

Don't buy shit you can't afford. And quit crying on my CNN everyday about losing your house. boo hoo. You make $600 a month and think you can buy a $250,000 dollar house? arrghhh.

Seriously, if I made that much and sat in front of a guy that said, we don't need to report your income, you just need to sign here....well, stupid you.

I am out of words.

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