Sunday, March 23, 2008

Financial Advice - The Millionaire Next Door

Article in nytimes offering advice in these tough times. I noticed a sentence in the article: "A good indicator that things are going in the wrong direction, he said, is if your credit card balance has been rising in the last year but your savings balance has been falling."

Really, I don't get people who live that way. I guess I was raised differently. I never bought something I couldn't afford. I pay off my credit card every month. My debt is my house (2 homes, actually). That's it. My cars are paid off. I don't do impulse buying. I have a cat. Makes no sense to this paragraph but thought I would mention it.

Buy this book if you want to live smart, financially. It's a great theory.

Don't buy what you can't pay for. Don't get zero down mortgages. Don't get an ARM if you don't realize that payments will go up when the interest rate does. Own a car for 10 years. Don't get Starbucks every day. Do you know what $2 a day can do for you, in your pocket? Join a gym. You will feel healthier and happier. Pack a lunch. Sell stuff in your closet on ebay.

I'm not calling anyone stupid, but just do the research. Buy milk, bread and gasoline to function in life. The rest is just bonus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was raised similarly. I would add a good trip or a flat panel or something else that make you feel good to your list of essentials.

Life is just too short to be miserly.