Thursday, March 20, 2008

This May not be Wedding Cake; Direct TV Scheduler

OK, I mentioned this many posts ago, but Direct TV scheduler, the beta now works with my system. SO, anywhere in the world with the internet I can set my home DVR to record a show. AWESOME! It is free, you need a higher-end DVR, but so cool. I set a recording for "The Reaper" from the office today and I came home and it was scheduled! If this alone isn't a reason to get DIRECT TV, I don't know what is. (Real life situation, I was in Calgary in January and read on the airplane that 30 Rock was having a new episode, and I wasn't going to have it recorded. Now, no problem!) (I don't work for Direct TV. I pimp what I love) (And I can do it from my blackberry!!!)

On a happier note, here is Spoon The Underdog from Letterman:

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