Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Leda Smith's Got a Gun

This is a great story about how you deal with intruders. However if it is at night I will shoot first and ask questions later (cuz you can do that in Texas. as long as they are in the house)

"85-year-old Leda Smith of Point Marion, PA is not about to let some punk ass bitch with her home! On Sunday afternoon, Leda was chilling in her home, probably smoking a bong and listening to Wu Tang, when she heard some bitch breaking into her house. Leda said her neighbor's home was recently robbed, so she had been keeping a .22-caliber revolver near her bed.
She went on to say, "I just walked right on past him to the bedroom and got my gun. I said 'What are you doing in my house?' He just kept saying he didn't do it." Leda then made the 17-year-old robber call the police while she kept the gun pointed at him. She ordered him to hand her the phone so that she could report his ass. With the 911 operator on the line, she instructed him to lie face down on the floor with his legs spread. She continued to the point the gun at him. This memaw doesn't eff around. I guess watching all those episodes of "Barney Miller" really paid off.
The 17-year-old was charged with attempted burglary and related offenses in juvenile court."

BTW, I post interesting stories that I like. They can be happy, sad or cruel. This is an anonymous blog. Please don't take anything personally. I would never use this blog to vent against family or friends. Every thing here is here because it is interesting. The only thing personal I said was "thanks for the birthday wishes" and "I love you". So , just an anonymous blog here. folks.

I have no sublimental motives. OK?

I can't wait to hear the 911 tape of this call!

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