Friday, August 1, 2008

Obama is a Socialist

He wants to redistribute the wealth. His proposal today was released: He wants to give $1000 to "needy" families. Where is it going to come from? "Windfall profits" of oil companies. You already know my opinion of this. XOM profited $11.7B this quarter. It actually didn't meet expectations and as a result the stock fell. Read this: That is a 8.5% return on investment. That's actually disappointing for an investor. Wallmart and Best Buy make like 40%. If that was an M instead of a B we wouldn't be having this conversation. XOM invested $105B to make $11.7B. 70% percent of the profit came from overseas investments. XOM is not profiting from you at the gas pump. That is why they are divesting from the downstream....If it was profitable why would they sell their gas stations? And what pisses me off is the politicians know the facts, they just want the soundbites. They are lying to the public to get votes. "Windfall" should be based on profit margin, not total. They know that. You, the educated consumer, knows that. I have to pay 4$ a gallon too. It sucks. I just discovered this washingtonpost blog, and I am not sure where his opinion lies. But it may be worth a read. By his argument of what defines a windfall: I own 10 ounces of gold I bought at $100 10 years ago (this is an example, not real facts or numbers). I can sell today because of speculation and the weak dollar for $1000. Therefore, I am windfalling on my investment. Obama will take my profit and give it to stupid poor people who bought a house at the sub-prime, didn't read the fine print, rack up debt with their credit card after the ARM set in, etc. Windfall this, jackass. Obama will set this country back 30 years: it will be Jimmy Carter all over again.