Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Song of the Year: Airborne Toxic Event "Sometime Around Midnight"; Low vs Diamond "Heart Attack" a close second...

You remember how I said I like to listen to songs on XM on the way to work, and sometimes I catch something so awesome and epic I giggle with glee? Well, this is it. This is the song of the year folks. Don't worry, it will not get radio play. It just builds and builds and builds. This is for the headphones. The head bopping. But, if you don't like Intervention you probably won't like this.

I can understand if you don't like it. But I fell in love from the first guitar pick. wow. Give it a try (btw the quality of this is prob 128 Kbps, which isn't great): (BTW it's only 30 second! but if you go to IMEEM you can hear it all)

Sometime Around Midnight - The Airborne Toxic Event

BTW, I promised you this song in full version when it got posted. If you want to understand quality difference, this one is probably 320 Kbps. You can hear it. And it is definitely in the top 10 of the year: (SAME IT IS ONLY 30 Seconds but you can hear it on imeem or find on hype machine)

Heart Attack - Low vs Diamond

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