Saturday, July 5, 2008

Good Morning Saturday!

Did you enjoy your day off? For my company, that was only the second holiday of the year! Wish we had more.'

I PPV'd Be Kind, Rewind last night. Didn't really dig it. Thought it would be better than it was. Love Jack Black, Mos Def, and the director (Eternal Sunshine of the Whatever Mind movie...).

Oh well. You don't like Arcade Fire or Vampire Weekend, I don't like that movie.

I'm watching Empire Records right now. It's very good. (I dvr'd it from Fuse a couple of weeks ago)

What other words have you turned into a verb? Tivo is obvious but I don't have a tivo. Googled.

Remember when PPV use to mean soft porn? Times have changed. I dropped my netflix subscription since PPV is usually pretty up to date.


The Pants Down Explainer said...

I admire your boldness in dropping netflix; I should as the ROI on it is pretty bad when you hold a movie for 6 weeks before you watch it.

it is good for kids-- fun to watch older movies they have not seen like batman begins, temple of doom and the mummy

brakewater said...

All the movies you named sucked. Except Batman. I am single in case you haven't figured it out. Childless.

Christain Bale is the best Batman ever.