Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday Night Post

Obama let his children get interviewed. On Access Hollywood. They talked about his sense of fashion. Are you kidding me? I'm not even going to link to it but you can find it on Drudge. The next 5 years are going to suck. Apparently his new tax plan redefines "wealthy" as being well, you and me and anyone else with a brain who makes over $50K, and we will be taxed at like a 50% rate. OMG.

The gossip news today reported Sasha Baron Cohen (he was Borat, now is making a movie based on his gay character Bruno) duping a town in Arkansas. Highlarious. He really is a handsome man when he is not in character.

I'm sure there is more out there but I actually worked today. Oh yeah, caught this on G4 AOTS: Netflix has a new router that you can watch their streaming video watch it now bargain on your TV? The Roku. It's only $99. I may get Netflix back in the next year, and then this will be awesome. Right now it is not HD compatable. But seems really cool and is getting great reviews.

watching: The Simpsons Movie (HBO)


The Pants Down Explainer said...

Here's a few Market Rules to Remember that apply to politics:

1. Markets tend to return to mean over time.
2. Excesses in one direction will lead to and opposite excess in the other direction
3. There are no new eras—excesses are never permanent
4. Exponential rising or falling markets usually go further than you think, but they do not correct by going sideways
5. The public buys the most at the top and the least at the bottom
6. Fear and greed are stronger than long-term resolve
7. Markets are strongest when they are broad and weakest when they narrow to handful of blue chip names
9. When all the experts and forecaster agree something else is going to happen
10. Bull markets are more fun than bear markets

I hope these are true of the stock market, global warming, and Barry

brakewater said...

Very nice. What's your source, or are you just smart?

A flat tax will take care of taxing the rich man to fund the poor man, giving the poor man no incentive to work. Obama will create so many more welfare programs it will be sick.

#10 = duh :)

Why aren't they handing out FEMA gift cards to the disaster that is the Midwest flooding? Because it's not happening in the photo op that was New Orleans.

Do you realize how expensive beef and other foodstock will be next season as a result of this flood?

But no, we have to use the corn for ethanol, not feed.