Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday: First day of 7-4 Shift

I started it today. It was pretty cool. I got up around 620am, got ready, but didn't feel the urge to rush. As far as I care as long as I get in between 7-730 I'm cool. When I'm working the 8-5 shift I am always rushing to get in by, ok, 815am.

So set the clock an hour early, go to bed an hour early, and cool. I won't leave until the work is done, but I had no problem leaving at 430 today.

The whole reason behind this, everyone else is doing it and I would feel silly walking in at 815 every day. And it is hard to stay until 515 when everyone else is gone.

And....carpooling. I'm racking up those carbon credits!!!!!

The Watchmen is on this week's cover of EW. I have subscribed to that magazine since the fruition, I think 1990 (Dick Tracy was on the cover...yes I remember). I can't remember a movie being hyped a year in advance. Comic Books geeks rejoice. I am sure I will be wrong, however.

Nothing else to add. A good friend's wife suffered a miscarriage this weekend. We are circling the wagons and taking care of him. So sad. Been a sad day pretty much, I hate giving bad news.

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