Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

Hey, that's my cat telling me I'm not paying attention to her.

Hey, ya'll. This is a good article about the oil shales in Colorado and what the oil companies are doing trying to extract that black gold.

A good-will 7 on 7 high school football matchup ends in blows. Is anyone shocked about this? Click on the pictures. Evil and scary. The first comment on the site's link was funny: Future U of Miami recruits....

I am really looking forward to the new X-Files movie.

Remember my post about movies I really anticipate? The Watchmen is number one. Really, it is going to be awesome no matter what.

I don't know what to make of this story. South LA Community is asking for a ban on fast food restaurants. It says that people can't eat healthy because of the options. Doesn't McDonalds have a salad, or grilled chicken? Last I checked, it did. This is another example of people's choices being blamed on the government. Here's a quote:

"There's no choice," said Jessica Quintana, 15, leaving McDonald's after a lunch of a fried chicken sandwich, fries and a soda. "It was nasty, but I ate it 'cause I'm hungry."

Fries...fried chicken....How about going to the grocery store? Or getting the Salad? Was it diet soda?

MMMM, I think I'm going to Jack in the Box. All this talk about fries made me hungry....

You know what else? I work out. I earn those curly fries, folks.

I can't vote for McCain. Guess I'll write in myself.

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