Friday, July 4, 2008

Saturday woops Friday! post

Did you notice that quite a few of our last presidents are left-handed? Guess that means all us left-handers are smarter than ya'll.

Here is a list of the top 500 modern rock songs. I don't really agree with it, Pearl Jam doesn't show up until the 50s or something. They have a different definition of modern rock.... favorite indy song for now....Arcade Fire Intervention. Might be best song ever? If I don't hear Pearl Jam once a day my day is lacking.

Intervention - Arcade Fire


The Pants Down Explainer said...

I really want to like Arcade Fire & Intervention, largely on your recomendation. But, I just don't.

Which is why I don't like lists. To each his own. Why do we need a list?

I too am left-handed. And, yes, I am smarter than most everyone.

brakewater said...

Wayman! I've missed you! You always post such meaningful, constructive, thoughtful comments.

Should have realized you were a left-hander!

I'm going to post a best of music 2008 so far list soon, stay tuned.

The Pants Down Explainer said...

I sort of like 'Best of..' lists; it's the ranking thing that does not do much for me.

I'm watching 'In Plain Sight' online now; just so-so. Afaig, I want to like it, but...

brakewater said...

In Plain Sight is my favorite Steven Soderbeugh (sp) movie. It made George Clooney into a movie star. Jlo? not so much.

But she could've been...