Saturday, January 19, 2008

Good Morning Post

Well, it is Saturday but I can't promise more than the usual posts of one a day. I have a busy day, have to go to Lowe's and buy some mirrors and a shower curtain for the new bathroom. Today is day 5 of my new workout routine so I am going to go to the actual gym ( it is where my soccer arena is) and lift a little. What I am reading this morning (or last night)....

ATT to offer naked DSL (chron). What does that mean? You can have DSL through ATT without having a landline? I went with ATT landline because Comcast (Evil Empire) refused service at my new address since it was new construction. I had no choice but to go with ATT if I wanted to keep my home phone number that I have had for 10 years. The good news is I now have Direct TV, which is ten times better than Evil Empire. Now if I can just get ATT to call me back to install high speed internet, my life will be complete.

Cool news on Direct TV I saw on G4
Attack of the Show! last night. (I like watching that show on mute and listening to my music when I am on treadmill). Sidebar: Anyone have any good suggestions on what to watch at 6pm CST? It's a deadzone.

Anyway: Starting in February, you can remotely program your Direct TV DVR to record something. DirectTV DVR Scheduler . This is great especially for us travelers who read about a great show, or a new returning show that is burning off an episode, and we are in a hotel in Calgary! I hope it is free. It says it currently only works with the HR20-700. I have the HR21-700. that blows. I will let you know when I use it.

Gotta go get the mail from the old house...will post later including my call on tomorrow's games. Everyone's doing it. All I can say is I'm a Favre lover now, so that pick will be easy.

Watched 3:10 to Yuma last night. Pretty good and an awesome cast. Who new Ben Foster could rock like that?

1 comment:

The Pants Down Explainer said...

in answer to your previous q's: maybe