Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday Post

Indoor soccer started again tonight. Yippee! I'm going to be sore tomorrow, since essentially I haven't played in a month since the holidays. We won too, played well as a team (which doesn't always happen) and we subbed well (it's coed). No fights tonight!

Brad Renfro dead at 25. Who is going to die next, before their time? Heroin bad. (TMZ)

American Idol is on tonight!! The only reality show I can watch from the beginning to end.

Do you dream about work sometimes? What does it mean? (WSJ)

Gregg Easterbrook TMQB, decent Cowboy analyis (ESPN)

breakfast: breakfast sandwich (eggs, sausage and cheese)
lunch: Grilled chicken salad (I usually get this at the beginning of the week to make up for the bad weekend. I had a lot of hamburgers this weekend)
dinner: slim jim

Don't forget to call your mother and tell her you love her.

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