Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Post

Not much to post about. Forget there is still some new television on - the last Ugly Betty. I'm going to actually start, I don't know, reading books and stuff instead of watching bad reality TV (accept American Idol) and the Wire.

One of the few movies I was looking forward to has been killed by the writer's strike, I mean bad tax breaks, the Justice League. At least they decided the script was bad enough to scrap the movie instead of shooting with a bad script (in case you didn't know, absolutely no script re-writing or tweaking can be done. That's why some of the tv shows now seem off - lines cannot be rewritten when being shot no matter how bad they are)

Things are looking better for Cowboy fans, although we are still bitter and in disbelief.

The economy officially sucks. How can you tell we are in a recession? I say its time to buy - someone will swoop in and save the day. Although I am usually wrong about the economy.

I wish I could be more exciting. Not much out there in the blog universe and I'm not going to post on things everyone else is posting on (Britney - officially crazy; Amy Winehouse - drug addict; Eddie Murphy divorcing - whatevs;)

So let's talk about me: workout 30 minutes interval training (2 run 2 walk), ran additional 5min to make it an even 3 miles, lift. No AI tonight so I just jam to awesome music (pretty much every song I have posted on this site)

Breakfast: Same 3 eggwhite omelet
Lunch: chicken baked pasta (I was going to get the taco salad but they were out at 1)
dinner: scoop of peanut butter
coke zeros: 4-5 ( I lost count)

Tomorrow's Friday! Who is going to see Cloverfield?

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