Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday Post

I finally got my home gym set up. Essentials: gym-quality treadmill, 4 level Bowflex weight bench, weight rack with 5-25 lb set of weights. Getting a lat pulldown at the end of the month when I get my washer dryer. I got the DVD/CD player hooked up and Direct TV to my HDTV. And I can play my mp3 player through the speakers. First workout pretty good, 3.2 miles in about 40 minutes. I know that's bad but I literally haven't run in a month. Kept heartrate between 135-160. No excuses now! (yes I know the picture shows clothes hanging but that's what I do after the workout)

Wi-Fi hotspots are not safe. you knew it, but now you can read about it.

Don't you wish the Astros could have this one back? I said it before, don't lie to federal investigators. It's called 18 USC 1001. It's the easiest thing to prosecute if you get an AUSA to take it. Fess up, say you are sorry, ask for repentance and you will be Giambi instead of Bonds. It's why Martha Stewart went to jail. (TBL)

Song I like today: Brand New, "Fork and Knife"

I'm looking to buy mirrors. A couple for my bathroom and some plain ones for my gym. I've been looking at Craigslist, it is unbelievable the things that are on there. but you already no that.

breakfast: 3 egg white omelet with chopped peppers, onions, ham and cheese
lunch: I worked through lunch and ate at 2 and was starving so ate too much of Thai Chicken Angel Hair Pasta salad
dinner: none. I need to go to the store
Coke Zeros: 5

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