Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Ready Kit: Holster Up!

Above: My emergency radio/tv/lantern/flashlight/weather radio/compass/siren/thermostat. With an extra set of batteries. Next to it is my 7 Gallon water container, full. Besides that my work computer since I have to work tomorrow from home.

Below: My clean bathtub. They say fill your bathtub for extra water cause when the power goes out, the water pump stations go out and the water isn't clean. I'll do it but I doubt I'll need it since after 2 days of no power I am bailing unless the temp drops.

Below: The rest of my kit. I call it my holster kit. Left to right: ASP Extendable Baton; Mag light holster; leatherman; glock 9mm; candle and matches. And peanut butter when tired of Chili

Coke Zero and cold water for drinking.

Coolers to keep the drinks cold for a couple of days. I didn't show the freezer but it has 2 bags of ice and several containers of frozen water. During Rita the coolers stayed cold for 5 days.

I think I'm ready? Hope it is a non-event but I really fear for the surge victims wherever they may be. And 11 refineries are now shut down so look for the price of gas to surge.

So for real, I am ready. Keep in mind it is not as bad as we thought. I could lose power for a couple of days but that may be it. If longer than that I will go to Dallas on Monday as part of the BCP. So I'm only in this for a couple of days regardless. It doesn't hurt to be ready, no?

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