Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Post Ike Day 4

Top photo is the before pic. The rest are the after.

Back in my room for the night. We drove 130 miles today all over town checking on residences and office facilities for security and basic support. Our phones don't work at all in the Woodlands. I did a count, there were three of us in the car and between us we had 6 phones and 3 pistolas.

Downtown Houston is a mess. The lights were blinking and there is still shattered glass in the streets but there were crews looking to set up and start cleaning. Our office is open tomorrow. We advised from a safety point of view to give it another day but they want everyone working and making the company money.

We passed a convoy of electrical trucks - Reminded me eerily of my trips to New Orleans everyday after Katrina. The convoy was about 50 trucks and they were from Indiana. Wow.

Still no power at house. No power in Woodlands and they are saying "catastrophic failure" because of the damage to east Texas and Louisiana.

My neighbor will check on the cat tomorrow or I may drive back. Gas lines were everywhere. Why wait two hours for gas? Why didn't you fill up before the hurricane? Is it an obsession? I don't understand that. I do understand the need to fuel generators, I know people who have siphoned gas from there cars for that.

I'm not judging just observing.

Boring pics above not worth captions. My hotel room is huge. Way too big for me I tried to trade it with the co-workers with family and 2 kids, but they are already settled in and don't want to bother to move.

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