Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday Eve - Hurricane a-coming!

This is how unpredictable things are. This morning at 0700, hurricane is heading to South Texas/Mexico.

By 400pm today, our emergency response team has been activated and critical personnel are heading to Dallas tomorrow morning. I am critical, but not this week because the two managers I am critical to are in Thailand this week. So I don't have to go. If you own a house, are not in the surge zone, and it's at most a Cat3, it is really best not to leave. Let the folks who need to go, go.

So what I say tonight can change by 0700 tomorrow, so don't hold me to it. It is heading to Matagorda Bay (I can't even spell it). SciGuy worst case scenario for Houston is Cat3 to Freeport, and Houston gets the dirty side. We are 50 miles from that, and as you can see the pattern can deviate 200 miles either way by Saturday landfall.

Right now our weather experts are predicting 50mph gust winds on Friday afternoon, so it is speeding up.

Prediction, Friday off of work Houston takes the day off to prepare. It misses like Rita, but to the South. Winds, etc, maybe power loss.

Maybe nothing?

Tonight The Fringe is on. The only interest is it is JJ Abrams new show (the Lost creator). I'll give it a shot.


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