Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday Night Back to Normal: T.I. Whatever You Like and Katy Perry Hot N' Cold

What a ride we did on the stock market, huh? Why bailout fat cats? Shouldn't they go down and suffer? We didn't beg for a bailout of Enron or WorldCom did we? Why Wall Street, just because they have been floated up to their eyeballs writing checks their ego couldn't cash?

So the market will suffer a bit. If you don't live on credit and have smart diversified investments, this is nothing different than September 17, 2001. Look forward to the great recovery.

Think about the stereotypes: Wall Street are rich republicans? Than why are the Democrats trying to push this through?

Anyway, music of the now, leader of the ringtones and all-around awesome, T.I. Whatever You Like:

Katy Perry Hot N Cold (I'm not a big fan of her first two songs they just seem trendy but not catchy. This one is catchy)

Hot N Cold - Katy Perry

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