Saturday, January 10, 2009

5 Pirates Drown With Their $3M Booty

Ha ha ha. Hello karma, meet bitch. The fact that they got paid for their highjacked Saudi oil tanker upsets me. But really, they do it everyday. Why do you think the Nigerians keep kidnapping oil workers? They get paid at the end of the day. So do the Somali pirates.

Let me explain: ships sailing near the coast of Somalia (look it up on a map) frequently get boarded by pirates. This particular ship has been held for I think 2 months. The cargo (oil) at the time of boarding was worth $100M. At the time of release, probably half. So someone dropped $3M ransom on the boat. And the pirates took it and left. And then their boat capsized and 5 died. Die Bitches

Useless rumination about Somalia: The capital is Mogadishu (I think). In my before-before job, I would get lets just say correspondence from Americans working there. They called it "Browntown". Brown because of all the dust and the sand blowing through. It was a horrible place to live 15 years ago and I doubt it has changed. Go buy the book Blackhawk Down then rent then movie.

These are the same people who dragged dead American Soldiers through the streets.

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