Monday, January 5, 2009

Helen's Daily Rumination

My discussion of Lone Star Comics got me must really be interested in my life so I will give you a rumination a day, but I will keep the details sketchy because they may be classified.

When I was posted in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic One of my bosses would always drive and we would go to dinner on occasion. The point is he was driving.....

There is no 4 way stop in DomRep. You would just flash your brights several times at every intersection and hope/assume any oncomers would stop, or slow. It scared the crap out of me everytime.

And, when you wanted a waiters attention, you would clap 3 times. Seriously, lift your hands in the air and clap three times. They would bring you a beer or coffee or want to know how they can help.

Columbus landed in Santo Domingo, DomRep when he tried to find America. Which is why it is called the island of Hispaniola (Haiti is the other country on the island. I wonder why I was there). Another useless trivia fact.

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